Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Contracts, Responsibilities and Requirements

A little over a year since its inception, the PA Quilt (and Rug) Trails has grown with complexity. With this complexity, it becomes time to take a step back, reassess the system that has been in place and reconfigure a few things.

And what does all this mean?
I now have the beginnings of written expectations for all the parties site owners,  painters, sponsors, and administration) involved with a PA Quilt (and Rug) Trails square. By writing down the necessary requirements and responsibilities, all parties will know what is needed and can assess accordingly. Though still in the composing stage, by having a clear statement questions can be addressed more clearly and precise.
Once the contract is completed and approved by the the Executive Director of Community Partnerships RC&D, it will be added to the PA Quilt (and Rug) Trails website (www.paquilttrails.org) and available for public viewing.

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