Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

There are many steps involved in designing, creating, hanging and promoting the PA Quilt (and Rug)Trails pieces. Because of governmental budget cuts we recentlty lost one of our office "handymen" so Kevin Morgan, Natural Research Specialists, and Mike Lennartz, Conservation Administrator, graciously volunteered to do a hardware run to get the supplies necessary for the Locust Grove Rehabilitation and Retirement Center residents to get going on the nation's first Trail Rug. 20 sponge brushes, 3 paint brushes, 1 gallon of high quality primer, 4 rolls of painter's tape, two pieces of 4' x 8'-3/4" exterior plywood, and 12 quarts of multi-colored paint later, all has been delivered and the hands-on work begun.

Freda Durio is the woman at site, coordinating the painting of the Trail Rug, with help from friends, neighbors as well as many Locus Grove residents. In about a month the piece will be delivered to the Ranger Station at the Tuscarora Station in Blain, PA, equipment secured, and the piece will be hung.

Over all when all is said and done over one-hundred people will be involved in this project from begining to end.

Community Partnerships RC&D is all about partnerships with the end goal being an enhancement of the community and its residents. The PA Quilt (and Rug) Trails is an excellent illustration of those types of partnerships, how intregral partnerships are to making a quality community, with a visual piece a reminder of this process.

Support PA Quilt (and Rug) Trails today. Sponsorships and all donations are needed and much appreciated.

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